<p>This week on <em>Sound Medicine</em>, Indiana University health policy expert Aaron Carroll discusses the individual mandate provision of the Affordable Care Act and why it faces a Supreme Court challenge. Also this week, when it comes to writing prescriptions, do computers make as many errors as humans?</p>
Indianapolis Campus

The Healthcare Law’s Insurance Mandate, This Week on Sound Medicine

Sep 15, 2011

Sound Medicine airs Sunday, Sept.18, at 2 p.m. on WFYI, 90.1FM. For the airtime on a public radio station near you, check the Sound Medicine website

Affordable Care Act faces challenge. This week, Sound Medicine healthcare policy analyst Aaron Carroll, M.D., will explain the new law’s individual insurance mandate and why the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled it unconstitutional. He will discuss possible outcomes of the likely Supreme Court challenge. Dr. Carroll directs the Center for Health Policy and Professionalism Research at the Indiana University School of Medicine.

Problems with computerized prescriptions. The healthcare reform law provides for a number of experimental programs aimed at lowering medical costs. For instance, computer-generated prescriptions are supposed to reduce hospital errors. According to researcher Karen Nanji, M.D., M.P.H., however, software makes as many errors as people do. Dr. Nanji will chat with Sound Medicine’s Kathy Miller, M.D., about automated prescription-writing. Dr. Karen Nanji is a resident physician at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Who is prone to addiction? In a Doc Chat with David Crabb, M.D., Sound Medicine’s expert on addiction, host Barbara Lewis asks why some individuals develop a dependence on alcohol or drugs, and others do not.  Dr. David Crabb chairs the Department of Medicine at the IU School of Medicine.

Massage for back pain.  Can massage relieve chronic back pain? In his research, Daniel Cherkin, Ph.D., found that massage worked as well or better than traditional medical treatments. Dr. Cherkin will discuss his findings with Sound Medicine’s Steve Bodgewic, Ph.D. Cherkin is a senior investigator at Group Health Research Institute in Seattle.

Healing versus curing. Continuing our series on the book, Healers: Extraordinary Clinicians at Work, co-author David Schenck, M.D., will explain the differences between healing patients and curing them. For the book, Schenck and his writing partner Larry Churchill, M.D., interviewed more than 50 medical practitioners identified by their peers as the best in their profession. Schenck and Churchill are on faculty at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

For more information on this show or archived editions, check the Sound Medicine website.

Sound Medicine is an award-winning radio program co-produced by the Indiana University School of Medicine and WFYI Public Radio (90.1FM). Sound Medicine is underwritten by Indiana University Health Physicians, and Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. Did you Know is presented by Wishard Health Services, becoming Eskenazi Health in 2014.

Twittercue: On @soundmed this week, @arronecarroll on healthcare reform. Also, #medical errors; science of #addiction; & massage 4 chronic #back pain.

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WBSB (Anderson), WFIU (Bloomington, Columbus, Kokomo, Terre Haute), WNDY (Crawfordsville), WVPE (Elkhart/South Bend), WNIN (Evansville), WBOI (Fort Wayne), WFCI (Franklin), WBSH (Hagerstown/New Castle), WFYI (Indianapolis), WBSW (Marion), WBST (Muncie), WBSJ (Portland), WLPR, (Lake County), and WBAA, (W. Lafayette).

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KOTZ and KINU (Kotzebue, AK), KRCC (Colorado Springs, CO),  KEDM (Monroe, LA), WCNY (Syracuse, NY), WYSO (Yellow Springs, OH), WYSU (Youngstown, OH), KWGS (Tulsa, OK), KPOV (Bend, OR), KMHA (Four Bears, ND), KLMS (Carlsbad, NM), and WLRH (Huntsville, AL).

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IU School of Medicine

Andrea Zeek