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<p>This weekend, June 13 and 14, Sound Medicine host Barbara Lewis and her guests will discuss child booster seats, autism myths and things to consider before joining a clinical trial.</p>

This Week on Sound Medicine — June 14

David Flockhart, M.D., Ph.D., director of clinical pharmacology at Indiana University School of Medicine, will discuss his new study which found an increased risk for heart attack or stroke for patients taking heartburn medicines and Plavix, a blood clot reducer.

Joseph O’Neil, M.D., associate professor of pediatrics at the IU School of Medicine and a Riley Children’s Hospital pediatrician, will explain his study on how parents use and misuse child booster seats.

James Ball, Ed.D., co-chair of the Autism Society of America and author of Early Intervention and Autism: Real-Life Questions, Real-Life Answers, will discuss some of the myths surrounding autism.

Edna Mae Rewers, director of Research and Regulatory Affairs at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Indianapolis, will explain things people should know or ask before joining a clinical trial.

In this week’s Sound Medicine “Checkup,” Jeremy Shere, Ph.D., will explore climate change and general affects on health.

Archived editions of Sound Medicine as well as other helpful information can be found at

Sound Medicine is underwritten by Clarian Health, IU Medical Group and Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.