<p>High school and college students interested in exploring a career in cancer research can gain hands-on experience this summer at the Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center.</p>
Indianapolis Campus

IU Simon Cancer Center’s Summer Program Lets Students Explore Cancer Research Careers

Feb 11, 2008

The cancer center’s annual Summer Research Program places students with a mentor physician or researcher for nine weeks (June 6 to Aug. 4). The students will work with faculty who are doing research in the most progressive areas of cancer research.

The Summer Research Program provides students an opportunity to:

  • interact with any one of five cancer center research programs, 10 shared facilities and more than 100 world-renowned investigators
  • gain exposure to a wide-range of basic science, translational, and clinical research activities
  • continually interact with and learn from other students, clinical and post-doctoral fellows, and faculty
  • attend weekly workshops that deal with issues related to gaining admission to graduate and professional programs of study
  • receive a competitive wage (housing not included in compensation)

Overall, the program seeks to increase the number of cancer researchers among underrepresented groups.
Students are selected on interest in biomedical or behavioral science, grades, and personal interviews. High school students who participate must have completed at least their junior year and have maintained a grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Undergraduates in the program must have completed 24 hours of college credit, be majoring in a biomedical or behavioral science, and have maintained a grade point average of at least 3.2.

Students interested in the Summer Research Program can either visit www.cancer.iu.edu/srp to download and print an application or send an e-mail to iuccsrp@iupui.edu or srop@iupui.edu to request an application.

The application deadline is Friday, March 3. Selected applicants will be notified by Friday, April 4.

Media Contact

IU School of Medicine

Rory Appleton