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Congratulations to Jack E. Turman, PhD on being named the 2024 Outstanding Community Engagement Award recipient. The faculty of the IU School of Medicine created the Outstanding Community Engagement Award to recognize the outstanding educating efforts of faculty members. This annual award honors faculty members who inspire their learners and motivate them to work hard and achieve more. These awards allow the School of Medicine to honor and celebrate the valuable efforts of faculty educators who embody the spirit of teaching and commitment to learning.

2024 Outstanding Community Engagement Award Recipient

Jack Turman, Jr Headshot

Congratulations to Jack E. Turman, PhD on being named the 2024 Outstanding Community Engagement Award recipient. The faculty of the IU School of Medicine created the Outstanding Community Engagement Award to recognize the outstanding educating efforts of faculty members. This annual award honors faculty members who inspire their learners and motivate them to work hard and achieve more. These awards allow the School of Medicine to honor and celebrate the valuable efforts of faculty educators who embody the spirit of teaching and commitment to learning.

Turman is a professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the IU. He has dedicated his years in academia to growing education, research and outreach programs that optimize maternal and child health (MCH) outcomes for marginalized communities. Turman’s work has been recognized by state governments and the US Department of State for his efforts to advance women’s social and economic empowerment. He was profiled by the American Public Health Association as a 2022 Thought Leader because of his work growing grassroots efforts to bring equity to maternal and child health in our nation. His work extends globally as he was selected as a Fulbright Scholar for Morocco where he worked to build the nation’s first Masters of Public Health program.

Turman shared, “I feel so honored, and am so appreciative that my division chair, Matt Aalsma, took the time to complete the nomination. It feels great to have the support of the division and department for the efforts of my team.”

Turman is very grateful for his team who are truly out in the field working to improve the lives of women, children and family. He views this award from his peers at the IU School of Medicine as recognition not just of his efforts, but of the entire team’s tremendous work.

Turman loves doing community engagement work and spending time with families and kids. He shared, “They teach me so much. It is great to be able to work alongside them to co-create new knowledge to improve social and economic systems that impact maternal and child health.” Turman’s work has allowed him to be out in community and allowed him to make dear, lifelong friends who have greatly impacted his life course as well as his team, and family.

Turman’s advice for folks who want to get into community engagement work is to, “Be patient, flexible and humble. Don't be afraid to show your passion for justice, it is okay to get fired up. Don't be afraid to cry and laugh with great joy - this all shows that you have a deep humanity - that makes connections with people.”

Leaning into his emotions has allowed Turman to experience many memories while serving his community. He fondly remembers spending time in neighborhoods sharing coffee, tea, memories, laughter and tears with the families he works with. Turman also has deeply appreciated the times he has been able to witness the impact that the Grassroots MCH Leaders have on MCH decision-makers.

“They speak truth to power with passion and commitment, and I love it when they challenge decision makers to think differently and deeply about traditionally marginalized families,” he said.

Turman will continue advocating for communities to come together to promote and protect the human rights of all women and children.
“We need to keep building action-research that is making real time changes for families, while building equitable social and economic systems for families,” Turman said.

All fall award recipients will be briefly recognized during the 2024 Fall IU School of Medicine All School Meeting on September 10 at 4:30-6:00 p.m. in Walther Hall Auditorium.

Congratulations to Jack and his team from the Department of Pediatrics! Keep up the amazing work!

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Salem Padgett

Salem supports the Department of Pediatrics at IU School of Medicine as the Communication Generalist. She helps spread the word about the department through storytelling.

The views expressed in this content represent the perspective and opinions of the author and may or may not represent the position of Indiana University School of Medicine.