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<p>Many students who enter medical school graduated at the top of their class. It can be challenging to think about adapting new study strategies or admitting you need help.</p>

Stronger with support: Tutoring at IU School of Medicine

Many students who enter medical school graduated at the top of their class. It can be challenging to think about adapting new study strategies or admitting you need help.

IU School of Medicine offers robust tutoring support for students. All students have access to free tutoring and can use this service at any point in their education. Tutors work with students one-on-one or in small groups to help with course content, academic coaching or board exam preparation.

Sixteen IU School of Medicine students provided feedback about the benefits they received from meeting with someone about their studies. See if tutoring is a good fit for you.

What made you seek out tutoring during medical school?

  •  “I sought out a tutor right away to learn about the best resources and study strategies for the Human Structure course. There are so many resources, and my tutor helped narrow them down for me!”
  • “I wanted some extra time in lab with someone who was more sure of what they were looking at while I was still getting oriented to cadavers, because we have much more limited time with faculty in the lab.”
  • “I realized that my studying habits needed a change to fit the way I learn material better, and that I needed an experienced student to help me understand what learning strategy works best for me.”
  • “I wanted to get a deeper understanding of the material instead of just memorizing. It can be so helpful to have the same concept explained a different way by a different person.”

What are some of the benefits you have received from tutoring?

  • “My tutor has been a great resource not only for the content we cover, but also for organizing and planning each exam so that I can maximize my success.”
  • “My tutor helped me create a routine that works for me, and gave me tips on how to improve my current studying strategies to be more efficient with the time I have in my schedule. I learned time management skills to keep up with lectures and also give myself enough time to go back to review what I had just watched and preview the next lectures. I also learned what resources IU School of Medicine has for specific classes that will help see materials in different ways (i.e. NetAnatomy and Complete Anatomy for Human Structure).”
  • “Improved my scores and felt much more prepared for step”
  • “My tutor has given me helpful memory tricks and is very encouraging. She texts me encouraging messages before each exam.”
  • “The benefits I have received from tutoring include focused material studying and guidance on making connections between the material learned.”

Why should students seek out support like tutoring during medical school?

  •  “Aside from being a free resource, tutoring has taught me how to gauge my knowledge gaps before the exam and helps determine our sessions.”
  • “Studying in medical school is so different than undergrad, and my tutor really helped make sense of all the new resources we were being introduced to.”
  • “Tutoring has been a godsend for me. If anything, it keeps me on track with studying and my full understanding of the material. I have never been ashamed to say I have a tutor. I know that medical school is something I cannot do on my own and that there are resources like tutoring available so I can guarantee my success in medical school.”
  • “Medical school is so difficult because of the amount of information that you need to go through and retain effectively to perform well on exams. It can be incredibly overwhelming and make you feel like you aren't doing enough to succeed academically. Tutoring is one of those support structures that will help you discover what you should be doing instead from someone who has been through the class you are taking right now and understands what you may be frustrated with while providing ways for you to meet your goals. Tutoring truly helps you discover your inner potential and help you figure out what works best from you.”
  • “It is great to hear the perspectives of students who have been successful at what you are currently going through! Tutoring is not just for students who might need some extra help with content- I wasn't and I still feel like I was able to benefit from having someone who has been there give me some advice on how to be successful.”

Tutoring can be beneficial, whether you need help with content or want to clarify your study strategies and find weak spots in your content knowledge. These individuals can also serve as mentors and guide you through the large amount of content covered in medical school.

Sign up for tutoring today.

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Susanna Scott

Susanna focuses on communication for Medical Student Education, Faculty and Staff. She is also working toward her doctorate in health communication at IUPUI.
The views expressed in this content represent the perspective and opinions of the author and may or may not represent the position of Indiana University School of Medicine.