The Radiography Associate of Science degree program at Indiana University School of Medicine provides students with hands-on learning and patient care experience starting within the first month of training. This 22-month program provides students with knowledge and communication skills to effectively perform radiographic procedures and evaluate images. In addition to clinical training, students pursue original research and can pursue a study abroad experience. Graduates of this program are qualified to work as entry-level radiologic technologists.
Admissions Details
Find details about the admissions process, including requirements and deadlines, for the Radiography Program.
Quick Facts
Students log over 1,300 patient care hours throughout the course of this program.
Please see Program Effectiveness Data for board pass rates.
Yes. The Lamda Nu National Honor Society for Radiologic and Imaging Sciences Chapter “Indiana Psi” was established in 2017 for students.
The Radiologic and Imaging Sciences programs at Indiana University Indianapolis are aimed at the preparation of highly qualified individuals who are dedicated to the health and welfare of the patient through the practice of radiologic technology.
Student learning through the effective use of available educational opportunities including
Entry-level professional programs, advanced level educational programs, and continuing education offerings.
Diverse patient populations.
Cultural competence
Broad spectrum of technology and health facilities.
Creative activity and research resulting from the collaboration of faculty and students.
Ethical behavior and professional integrity in addition to technical competence.
Civic engagement involved in collaborating with a variety of internal and external constituencies including health care facilities, professional organizations and IU Indianapolis, IU School of Medicine and the Health Professions Program.
Graduates will be clinically competent
Graduates will communicate effectively in the healthcare environment
Graduates will think critically and apply problem-solving skills in the healthcare environment
Graduates will have the knowledge and practical skills that maintain the standards of professional and ethical values
At appropriate points during the Radiography Program, the student will be able to:
demonstrate appropriate knowledge of radiographic procedures [goal 1]
apply radiographic positioning skills effectively [goal 1]
determine appropriate technical factors [goal 1]
demonstrate overall competence in performance of radiographic procedures [goal 1]
use effective oral communication skills [goal 2]
demonstrate effective written communication skills. [goal 2]
evaluate images and make appropriate adjustments [goal 3]
adapt procedures for complicated patients [goal 3]
demonstrate knowledge of professional and ethical values [goal 4]
attend professional meetings [goal 4]
Program Effectiveness Data: At the completion of the Radiography Program, the graduate will:
pass the ARRT national certification on the 1st attempt
be gainfully employed within 12 months post-graduation, if pursuing employment
complete the program within 22 months
be satisfied with their education

Teaching Faculty
The Radiography AS Program is one of three undergraduate offerings provided by faculty in the Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences.

Those who earned undergraduate degrees in medical imaging, nuclear medicine or radiography are excelling in their careers.
Program Details
The radiography program is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology.
20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850
Chicago, IL 60606-3182
The program’s current award is eight years. Review the general program accreditation information and current accreditation award letter.
Students entering into the Radiography Program are required to document compliance in a physical health screening, background check, drug screen, TB test, fit testing, flu shot, and numerous other immunizations (Hepatitis B, Meningitis, MMR, Tdap, Td, Varicella) annually. Due to the length of the immunization process for Hepatitis B, a student may attend fall semester clinic (if at least 1 dose out of 3 has been given) but must show proof of completion of the Hepatitis B series by the beginning of the spring semester. The Health Professions Program (HPP), in conjunction with the Student Campus Health office, documents student compliance with all these policies. The HPP office can address any questions about paperwork or compliance with this policy. The HPP office is located on the IU Indianapolis campus in the Van-Nuys Medical Science Building at 635 Barnhill Drive, Room 203, Indianapolis, IN 46202. Contact us at 317-278-4752 or view the contacts page. At the end of the spring semester of the first year, students will be required to meet the same compliance issues for the second year of the program.
Students must also be CPR certified. The BLS certification for Healthcare Providers CPR certification is required for the duration of the program. It is the student’s responsibility to renew their certification before it expires. No student will be allowed to attend clinic without proof of CPR certification.
The Radiologic Sciences clinical faculty is responsible for determining appropriate clinical experience assignments for each student radiographer. Students are responsible for transportation to and from clinical rotations each semester. All clinical affiliates are located within a 60-mile radius of the University. Students will rotate to numerous sites of varying type and size throughout the two-year program. Students receive their clinical assignments and rotational schedules for the first year of the program during new student orientation. Weekly assignment schedules will be emailed to the students two-four weeks before the start of the semester as well as posted in the clinical setting. Clinical schedules are subject to change at any time during the program. If a change is made, new clinical schedules will be given to the students.
Clinical course hours for weekday assignments are 8:00 am-3:30 pm but vary by hospital and by area within the radiology department. Clinical assignments in some areas may begin as early as 6:00 a.m. A clinic day is 7 hours, not including lunch. A half clinic day is 3.5 hours. A 30-minute lunch break is assigned at each hospital to coincide with the flow of patients. Clinical hours for all hospitals and rotations can be found on the rotation schedule handed out during orientation.
Students in the first year of the Radiography program attend clinic on Tuesday and Thursday during the fall and spring semesters. First year students will also be assigned Saturday rotations. Students in the second year of the Radiography program attend clinic on Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the fall and spring semesters. During the full 12-week Summer Session, second year students attend clinic Monday through Thursday with Friday off. Second year students will rotate through all areas of the Radiology Department.
to the varied workdays and shifts required in the A.S. Radiography program,
there are no opportunities for
changes to published course schedules for 22 months, students will be assigned
day shifts, evening shifts and/or Saturday hours.
All student complaints regarding activities or decisions made in one of the Radiologic and Imaging Sciences Programs (RISP) will be handled in the following manner:
The student will submit the complaint in writing with appropriate documentation. A complaint may be filed at any time.
If the complaint regards a RISP policy,
decision or, a RISP faculty member, the written complaint should be submitted
to the RISP director. The complaint review procedure is as follows:
1. The complaint will be
reviewed by the RISP director who has the following options:
a. Work out a reasonable solution with the student complainant
b. Appoint a committee of non-involved individuals within 5 business
days, excluding holidays, of the receipt of the complaint. The composition will
include representation from the RISP faculty (one of which will be appointed as
chairman) and may include an HPP faculty member not in RISP. Other appropriate
persons may be added, as needed, to address the specific situation.
committee will review the complaint, gather additional documentation, and make
a recommendation on both the validity of the complaint and possible resolutions
to the complaint. The recommendation
will be made within 15 business days of the appointment of the committee.
RISP director will review the committee recommendation, consult with department
or school administration, if needed, and provide a written decision within 5
business days, excluding holiday, of receiving the committee's recommendation.
RISP director is responsible for implementing changes, if any result from the
resolution of the complaint.
The complaining party will be informed of the result of the review process no
later than 5 business days, excluding holidays, after a decision has been made.
3. If the complaint is not resolved at the RISP level, the complaining party may appeal the decision through the HPP appeal policy.
If the complaint regards the RISP director or an HPP policy, it should be submitted to the Director of the Health Professions Programs. These complaints will be reviewed according to HPP policy.
For complaints related to alleged
Radiologic and Imaging Sciences Programs non-compliance with the Standards of
the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology students are
encouraged to first exhaust all program, school, and University polices to
resolve the complaint. If this process does not result in satisfactory
resolution of the complaint, the student is encouraged to contact the
appropriate Joint Review Committee directly. The process for filing an
allegation is available on the JRCERT website at: The JRCERT mailing address
is: Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology, 20 N. Wacker
Drive, Suite 2850, Chicago, IL 60606-3182.
Vacation time is allocated for use at the specific times that coincide with the IU Indianapolis breaks, but may not be the exact same dates as those of IU Indianapolis. Specific dates will be provided. Vacation time may not be accumulated for use at a later time and cannot be used to eliminate excess clinical absences. Radiology and Imaging Sciences students receive vacation during the following times:
IU Indianapolis Semester Break between SS & Fall
IU Indianapolis Labor Day Holiday
RISP Fall Break (as designated by RISP faculty) – RADI courses only
RISP Veteran’s Day – RADI Clinic Courses only
IU Indianapolis Thanksgiving Break
IU Indianapolis Semester Break between Fall & Spring
IU Indianapolis MLK Day
IU Indianapolis Spring Break Week
RISP President’s Day – RADI Clinic Courses only
RISP Break between Spring & SS (as designated by RISP faculty) – RADI courses only
IU Indianapolis Memorial Day Holiday
IU Indianapolis Fourth of July Holiday
View the IU Indianapolis long term calendar.
A 100.00-94%
B 93.99-87%
C 86.99-80%
D 79.99-73%
F <73%
Students must pass all courses (except electives) with a grade of "C" or better.The grade of "C-" is less than a "C" and not considered a passing grade.
Students receiving less than a "C" in any required program course will be placed on academic probation and are required to repeat the course prior to graduation.It is likely that the student will not be able to continue in the program until the failed course is repeated the following year, since all program courses are sequential and only offered once a year.
Students receiving two course grades of less than a "C" will be dismissed from the Radiography program due to lack of academic progress.
Pre-requisite Checklists and Costs
Program Leadership

Rebecca Stout, MSRS, RT(R)(BD)
Clinical Preceptor
Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiologic & Imaging Sciences