IU School of Medicine's Medical Laboratory Science program is offered in two locations, Indianapolis and Evansville. The entire student experience starting with the application process, continuing through the educational experiences, and ending with commencement is very similar between the two locations. Each location will have different the clinical rotation sites, but the clinical experiences are equivalent.
The mission of IU School of Medicine’s Medical Laboratory Science program is to provide a high-quality education in the knowledge, skills and professional attitudes of Medical Laboratory Science in order to prepare graduates who have entry-level competency to practice in the clinical laboratory.
The program's estimated cost is available. Students are encouraged to consult the IU Indianapolis Office of Student Financial Services for information regarding financial aid. For students admitted into the Medical Laboratory Science program, additional scholarships and grants may be available.
The time that Medical Laboratory Science students are assigned for clinical laboratory rotations is for instructional purposes only, with student learning activities assigned and supervised by certified laboratory professionals. Students are never allowed to work as substitutes for paid staff during assigned clinical rotation time.
The IU School of Medicine Medical Laboratory Science program is rigorous, so students must exercise caution when committing to work in addition to their training. If a student needs to work, a recommended maximum of 16 hours during any two-week period while in the Medical Laboratory Science program is advised. Students may work for a clinical affiliate or hold any other employment outside of class hours (7 a.m.-5 p.m.). Students must remain in class sessions (lecture and laboratory) until officially dismissed by the instructor. In the event that a student finishes his/her assignment before the end of the class period and before 4 pm and wishes to leave class to begin work as a paid employee, the student must obtain permission from the instructor to leave class and permission from the manager of the lab area where employed before starting work.
IU School of Medicine’s Medical Laboratory Science Program is continuously engaged in a thorough self-assessment and improvement process to ensure students are taught relevant material, through evidence-based teaching techniques, to ensure success in their future professions or graduate/professional school.
Faculty consult numerous academic and professional sources to ensure that the program curriculum is preparing students for the workplaces of today and the future. Program effectiveness is also monitored by critically analyzing student evaluations of teaching, faculty reviews, graduate surveys, employer surveys, student academic and technical performance within the program, and student performance on the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Medical Laboratory Scientist examination.
Medical Laboratory Science program course descriptions are published in the Academic Bulletin.
IU School of Medicine’s Medical Laboratory Science program provides all students with a student handbook on their first day of classes. Many of the school and program policies are the same as those accepted by IU Indianapolis, including the campus policies and the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct.
IU Indianapolis's Advising Center and IU School of Medicine’s Health Professions Programs office both offer advising and academic counseling services to Medical Laboratory Science program students.