Indiana University undergraduate students enrolled in the IU School of Medicine Health Professions Programs can access a wide range of support services from IU School of Medicine as well as those available through Indiana University, including academic advising, financial aid, and other important services.
Program Requirements
Academic Advising
A professional advisor is available to assist students who are working on the prerequisites for a professional program. Once admitted to a professional program, students are advised by faculty within the program. It is the student’s responsibility to seek counseling and guidance. Students are responsible for planning a program to meet degree requirements and for filing a completed application by the specific program’s application deadline. Resources related to program admission requirements, cost sheets and equivalency grids are available on each degree program page.
An academic advisor for Health Professions Programs is available daily in the Van Nuys Medical Science Building Room 203. Office hours are also available Tuesday mornings in the Health and Life Science Academic and Career Advising Center (Hine Hall, Suite 241). To make an appointment to meet with an academic advisor at the Hine Hall location or in the Health Professions Programs Administrative Office, call 317-278-4752 or email AskHPP.
Financial Aid
Tuition for the Health Professions Programs is based on the IU Indianapolis banded-tuition program. Students who are enrolled in the Histotechnology Certificate Program are eligible to apply for student financial assistance, as noted at IU Indianapolis Office of Student Financial Aid Services. General information about applying for financial aid on the IU Indianapolis campus is available. To be eligible for aid, each student must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Indiana residents are encouraged to apply by March 1 to determine eligibility of any state awards; all other students can apply after that date and will be considered for the Federal Pell and Federal Direct Loans programs.
Students who are offered admission to the program are administratively enrolled in classes. After a student is enrolled, the IU Indianapolis Office of Student Financial Aid Services finalizes the individual’s aid eligibility. Upon receipt of admission offer, applicants are advised to enroll as soon as possible to get financial aid package progressing. Call the IU School of Medicine Health Professions Programs Administrative Office at 317-278-4752 with questions or email AskHPP.
Other Student Support Services
Adaptive Education Services are available at IU School of Medicine Indianapolis campus. The IU Indianapolis Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion coordinates support services and academic accommodations for students with documented disabilities.
Undergraduate students in the IU School of Medicine Health Professions Program can access health and medical services through the IU Indianapolis Division of Student Affairs. Services are available for full- and part-time students and include immunizations, general medicine, women’s health and more.
The Department of Mental Health Services provides mental health and personal counseling services to all IU School of Medicine students.
Students should be familiar with the policies and guidelines of Indiana University and IU School of Medicine .