View faculty profiles, contact information and research interests for instructors on the Terre Haute campus at IU School of Medicine.


Full-time, volunteer and adjunct faculty members at IU School of Medicine’s Terre Haute campus guide students through the rigorous process of medical education as part of a statewide system to prepare healers.

John Barone, MD

Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Scott G. Canfield, PhD

Associate Professor of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology

Robin L. Danek, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor of Clinical Family Medicine

Taihung Duong, PhD

Associate Dean for MD Admissions and Student Financial Services

Roy W. Geib, PhD

Alvin S. Levine Professor Emeritus of Microbiology & Immunology, IUSM-Terre Haute

William D. Green, MD

Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics

Ellen M. Ireland, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor of Clinical Family Medicine

Michael W. King, PhD

Associate Director for Research, IUSM-Terre Haute

Michael J. Lannoo, PhD

Lilly Hein Shults Professor in Anatomy

Americo H. Lopez-Yglesias, PhD

Assistant Professor of Microbiology & Immunology

Margaret M. Moga, PhD

Associate Professor of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology

Steven P. Templeton, PhD

Associate Professor of Microbiology & Immunology