Americo H. Lopez-Yglesias, PhD
Assistant Professor of Microbiology & Immunology
- alopezyg@iu.edu
- Phone
- (812) 237-3420
- Address
Indiana University School of Medicine - Terre Haute
620 Chestnut Street, HH135
Terre Haute, IN 47809 - PubMed:
Key Publications
1. ILC1s maintain IRF8+ dendritic cells via IFN-g during acute intracellular infection. López-Yglesias AH, Burger E, Camanzo E, Martin A, Araujo AM, and Yarovinsky F. bioRxiv, January, 2020
2. T-bet-independent Th1 response induces intestinal immunopathology during Toxoplasma gondii infection. López-Yglesias AH, Burger ES, Araujo A, Martin A, and Yarovinsky, F. Mucosal Immunology, 3 January 2018; doi:10.1038/mi.2017.102
3. Flagellin induces antibody responses through a TLR5- and inflammasome-independent pathway. López-Yglesias AH, Zhao X, Quarles EK, Lai MA, VandenBos T, Strong RK, and Smith KD. Flagellin induces antibody responses through a TLR5- and inflammasome-independent pathway. J. Immunology. 2014. Jan 17. 192: 0022-1767
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Year | Degree | Institution |
2020 | Postdoctoral Training | University of Rochester |
2015 | Postdoctoral Training | University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center |
2014 | PhD | University of Washington |
2007 | BS | University of Washington |
Dr. López-Yglesias’ research program is characterizing how the transcription factor T-bet regulates the innate immune response against intracellular pathogens (Toxoplasma gondii, Salmonella) during acute infection. The lab uses transgenic mouse models to better understand how the complex interactions of the host-pathogen-microbiota impact innate immune cell effector function, intestinal tissue injury and immunity following oral infection with T. gondii or Salmonella, two leading causes of foodborne-related deaths in the United States.