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Core Services and Equipment

Research core services  at Stark Neurosciences Research Institute serve as a vital resource for partnerships and state-of-art methodologies that support innovative research across Indiana University School of Medicine.

Behavioral Phenotyping Core

The Behavioral Phenotyping Core houses equipment instrumental in neuroscience research.

Biomarker Core

The Biomarker Core offers the fully automated and easy-to-use nCounter MAX Analysis System.

Electrophysiology Core

Electrophysiology Core

The Electrophysiology Core provides access to state-of-art electrophysiology equipment.

Flow Cytometry Core

The Flow Cytometry Core offers technologies to detect and measure cell characteristics.

Neurochemistry Core

The Neurochemistry Core performs conventional or quantitative types of microdialysis.

In-Vivo Imaging Core

The In-Vivo Imaging Core provides imaging services for clinical trial, observational and preclinical studies.

Microscopy Core

The Microscopy Core provides access to state-of-art microscope equipment.


Tammy Fajfer

Research Centers/Cores Manager

Contact Tammy for any Core related finance and administrative questions.


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Jeffrey Recchia-Rife

Core Lab Manager

Contact Jeffrey for any Core Lab or equipment related issues and scheduling.
