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Research Education Component Core

The Research Education Component Core of the Indiana Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center develops new researchers specifically trained to discover innovative approaches to improve understanding, diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. This work is achieved by stimulating education, information and training; coordinating across laboratories; and evaluating success in research education.

Alzheimer’s disease research has been at the forefront of neuroscience due to substantive innovations in molecular biology, genetics, neuropathology and imaging technologies. Nevertheless, a critical need exists for professionals with specialized training to bring basic and clinical neuroscience of Alzheimer’s disease into the next generation. Therefore, the Indiana Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center needs to develop a successful Research Education Core.

Learn about REC Scholars Program

This core’s resources and expertise stimulate synergy among the components of the Indiana Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center and improves faculty development and research in neurodegeneration. The core promotes and disseminates concepts and functions of Indiana Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center cores to students and trainees, facilitates coordination among established faculty, and guides junior faculty in obtaining funding and facilitate their career stability.

Members of the Research Education Core help researchers develop translational skills to move basic findings to clinical interventions and clinical findings to mechanistic studies. The core’s critical innovation is to improve upon current practices by adding rational, methodical training, and mentoring specifically devoted to critical skills underlying publication and successful grant preparation.


  • Facilitate communication among faculty, staff and learners regarding research and training

  • Promote education of IADRC-associated graduate students and continuing education for IADRC fellows

  • Retain, promote, and recruit high-quality faculty, trainees, and students at all career levels


2024 Symposium Video

Hear from REC scholar Kelly Nudleman, PhD present at the 2024 Fall Research Symposium where he discussed the Revealing Network-Level Brain Behavior Relationships with Edge Functional Connectivity.