<p>&#8220;They Told Me Not to Take That Job&#8221; author and international philanthropic leader Reynold Levy will present a free public lecture at IUPUI Campus Center.</p>
Indianapolis Campus

Former NYC Lincoln Center President to Speak at IUPUI

Sep 25, 2015


INDIANAPOLIS — “They Told Me Not to Take That Job” author and international philanthropic leader Reynold Levy will present a free public lecture at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 28 in the IUPUI Campus Center.

Levy, former president of New York’s Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, will share colorful stories and lessons learned from his career in nonprofit and for-profit leadership and discuss cultural differences in philanthropy during the lecture, titled “Two and a Half Cheers: The Triumph of America’s Third Sector.”

Levy also will sign his latest book, “They Told Me Not to Take That Job: Tumult, Betrayal, Heroics and the Transformation of Lincoln Center,” before and after his lecture.

Currently, Levy is an adjunct professor at Columbia University’s School of International Affairs. He serves as a consultant to nonprofit institutions and foundations and as a senior advisor to General Atlantic, a private equity firm. He is chairman of the board of the Charles H. Revson Foundation, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a trustee of the National Book Foundation, a fellow in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a member of the Tony Awards Nominating Committee.

Levy recently completed a 13-year tenure as president of the Lincoln Center, during which he led the $1.2 billion transformation of the landmark that is home to 11 world-class performing arts organizations and educational institutions.

The Levy talk is one of a series of lectures the IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy is hosting under the auspices of the Stead Family Chair in International Philanthropy to share insights into global philanthropy with the local and international communities.

Reservations for Levy’s talk, open to the media, are appreciated but not required.

RSVP to sopevent@iupui.edu.

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IU School of Medicine

Andrea Zeek

Filed under: Indianapolis Campus