<p>INDIANAPOLIS &#8212; An online video health program featuring an Indiana University School of Medicine professor has received the first annual Health Care Digital Media Award presented by the National Institute of Health Care Management Foundation. The program, Healthcare Triage, is a YouTube channel in which Aaron Carroll, M.D., director of the IU Center for Health [&hellip;]</p>

YouTube health program by IU School of Medicine doctor nabs top media award

Jun 02, 2015

INDIANAPOLIS — An online video health program featuring an Indiana University School of Medicine professor has received the first annual Health Care Digital Media Award presented by the National Institute of Health Care Management Foundation.

The program, Healthcare Triage, is a YouTube channel in which Aaron Carroll, M.D., director of the IU Center for Health Policy and Professionalism Research, discusses topical issues of health care and health policy for general audiences.

While making his points in a breezy, fact-paced, quick-cut style that fits the online format, Carroll emphasizes the use of scientific studies and data, delivered with graphics and video to render them both authoritative and understandable to lay audiences. 

Entries entitled “Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism,” “GMOs,” “Doctors, Quality of Care, and Pay for Performance,” and “Sometimes Faster is Better” were included in the awards submission.

“We want to translate data and evidence so that viewers can have a more sophisticated and rational discussion about policy,” said Dr. Carroll, a pediatrician and associate dean for research mentoring. “For example, in our submitted episodes we used systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and individual studies to describe what is known, and how we might use evidence to move forward.”

The NIHCM Foundation is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to improving the effectiveness, efficiency and quality of the U.S. health care system by promoting new ideas from the public and private sectors, funding research and recognizing excellence in health care journalism.

Healthcare Triage, which started in October 2013, has attracted nearly 128,000 subscribers. The show’s videos have been viewed more than 6.4 million times. The program can be found at https://www.youtube.com/user/thehealthcaretriage.

Stan Muller is the director and producer of Healthcare Triage, and Mark Olsen creates the show’s graphics. John Green is the executive producer.

The NIHCM’s 21st Annual Awards presentation, including the first digital media awards, was held Monday evening in Washington, D.C. 

Other finalists in the digital media awards category included Forbes magazine, the online news publication Vox, CBS Interactive and PBS station KQED.

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IU School of Medicine

Rory Appleton