<p>IUPUI Upward Bound program celebrates 50th national anniversary.</p>
Indianapolis Campus

IUPUI Upward Bound program celebrates 50th national anniversary

Nov 03, 2014


INDIANAPOLIS — IUPUI will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Upward Bound, one of eight federal TRIO programs, from 5 to 7 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 5, at Hine Hall Auditorium, 850 W. Michigan St.

Melissa Lavitt, senior associate vice chancellor for academic affairs, will be the featured speaker. The celebration will begin with a time of networking, followed by a short program and anniversary celebration. Music will be provided by acoustic guitarist Joel Tucker.

David Jones, an academic coordinator with the IUPUI Upward Bound program, describes Upward Bound as a college prep program for high school students in which “students understand college isn’t just a place; it’s a lifestyle.”

The program has been at IUPUI since 1995 and is part of the student retention and success programs in IUPUI’s University College.

The Upward Bound program includes after-school, mid-week and summer programs to help students achieve their goals. This summer, 75 students enrolled in and completed the Upward Bound Summer Academy.

“We partner with our (high) schools to be a support,” said Roxanne Gregg, director of the IUPUI Upward Bound program. Upward Bound students engage in activities designed to help them foster lasting relationships, learn how to work within a team environment, and learn how to set and reach lifetime goals. They also benefit from financial and internship opportunities.

Gregg particularly enjoys seeing Upward Bound students grow, mature “and gain confidence in themselves.”

Participants are from families with need in which neither parent has a college degree. The aim of the program is to remove poverty from society and provide students with the education needed to obtain jobs while becoming productive in their communities.

The mission of the TRIO programs as noted by the United States Department of Education is “to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.”


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IU School of Medicine

Andrea Zeek

Filed under: Indianapolis Campus