<p>Stephen Voida, Google Faculty Research Award</p>

Stephen Voida receives Google Faculty Research Award for wearable display ecologies project

Sep 11, 2014

Stephen Voida, assistant professor of human-computer interaction  at the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, has received the prestigious Google Faculty Research Award.

 The Google Faculty Research Award is accompanied by a $55,673 grant that will support the study “Glanceable, Peripheral, Haptic, and Audible Displays: Supporting Wearable Display Ecologies for Personal Informatics.” This study will help to expand scientists’ and designers’ understanding of how users manage information across multiple devices and test a new infrastructure for coordinating information displays across a wide variety of computing devices, including smartphones, tablets, augmented reality systems like Google Glass, and wearable computing devices like the Apple Watch, FitBit, Samsung Galaxy Gear and Moto 360 smartwatch.

“Today people have multiple devices that they use to communicate, work and organize their lives — a smartphone, tablet, watch, audio player — and the list continues to grow,” Voida said. “It can be overwhelming trying to keep everything updated and in sync. Our research aims to enable a person’s devices to communicate with one another to display alerts and notifications on the right device and at the right time.

“We envision that this research will have a significant impact on the daily lives of people who use multiple devices by helping to reduce the amount of work that managing these devices often requires … and the potential annoyance of having to deal with a constant stream of notifications,” Voida said.

Media Contact

IU School of Medicine

Andrea Zeek

Filed under: Awards