<p>National Sports Journalism Center hosts Associated Press Sports Editors</p>

National Sports Journalism Center hosts Associated Press Sports Editors

Feb 26, 2014


Indianapolis — Top sports editors from across the United States will assemble March 1 to 5 at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, where the National Sports Journalism Center will host the Winter Meetings of the Associated Press Sports Editors, one of the nation’s largest professional sports journalism organizations.

The purpose of the meeting is to judge and select the best sports reporting and writing in America.

The editors will select award winners in two areas: daily, Sunday and special sections; and individual writing. Categories include breaking news story, explanatory writing, beat writing, feature story, column writing, project reporting and investigative.

The top 10 in each category, by circulation group, will be announced near the end of the meeting, after the results are certified by the contest chair, Mike Sherman of The Oklahoman. The five winning entries are announced in mid-April. The winners are honored at the annual APSE convention in June.

The print awards are determined by circulation category: Over 175,000; 75,001 to 175,000; 30,000 to 75,000; Under 30,000; and Under 15,000. There is also a multimedia competition that covers video, audio and slideshows.  

The Indiana University National Sports Journalism Center is the most comprehensive institute for the study of sports journalism in America. Through its programs, the center provides top-quality and cutting-edge instruction on sports media for everyone from high school students to veteran professionals.

The National Sports Journalism Center established a partnership with Associated Press Sports Editors soon after the center  was established in 2009. Through the partnership, IUPUI is the only campus that hosts the editors. APSE members will speak to sports journalism classes during their stay.   

The center is the home of the APSE Red Smith Award Hall of Fame, widely considered the most prestigious award in the field. The center’s website, SportsJournalism.org, is a blog with breaking news and commentary about the sports media industry.

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IU School of Medicine

Andrea Zeek

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