Adam Cantor, a first-year Indiana University School of Medicine student, is a finalist in the American Medical Association Insurance Agency “Take a Trip with Timmy Global Health Contest.”
Finalists were selected from essay submissions and a video. To see Cantor’s video, which features his classical guitar composition, and to vote, visit Cantor’s profile on the “Take a Trip with Timmy” website. Votes can be cast daily through noon Jan. 28. Three of the 10 finalists will be awarded a trip with the foundation based on the number of votes they receive.
This is the second “Take a Trip with Timmy” competition. In 2012, three students working on degrees in health care were awarded the opportunity to improve global health and gain leadership skills, as part of the Timmy Global Health mission. The participants shared their experiences through blog postings and journals.
Cantor, a student at IU School of Medicine-Lafayette, is the son of IU Department of Ophthalmology Chair Louis Cantor, M.D., and Linda Cantor, J.D., director of development in the IU School of Medicine Gift Development Office. Cantor is a graduate of Indianapolis’ North Central High School and Indiana University Jacobs School of Music.
“The journey I took through music allowed me to understand that healing has many facets besides medical science. Healing and music are both forms of communication,” Cantor said. “Healing is about communicating to a person that I care about them deeply, and that I am there to take care of them to the best of my ability. Healing is about making a connection, and this is something that everyone can do, not just health professionals.”
Timmy Global Health was founded in 1997 by Charles Dietzen, M.D., an IU School of Medicine graduate and alumnus of the IU School of Medicine program in Lafayette who is an Indianapolis pediatric physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist. After working with Mother Teresa in Calcutta in 1996, Dietzen was inspired to broaden his commitment to serving children in an international setting and empower others to do the same and founded Timmy Global Health.