Shorter treatment for latent tuberculosis. Infectious disease researcher Timothy Sterling, M.D., talks with Sound Medicine’s David Crabb, M.D., about CDC-sponsored research that’s led to a new, shorter course of treatments for latent TB. Dr. Sterling is a professor of medicine at Vanderbilt University in the division of infectious diseases.
Healthcare, Vermont-style. In 2014, the state of Vermont plans to adopt a single-payer healthcare plan for its 600,000 residents. IU healthcare policy expert Aaron Carroll, M.D., will analyze the law and how it might work. Dr. Carroll is vice chair for Health Policy and Outcomes Research in the Department of Pediatrics at the Indiana University School of Medicine.
Lessons learned from Clinton era healthcare. Healthcare administration expert Jeffrey Selberg will elaborate on his Health Affairs commentary arguing that healthcare reformers and providers could learn from mistakes made during the Clinton era. Selberg is chief operations officer of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.
Summer reading for mindfulness. IU physician and author Gene Harker, M.D., Ph.D., chats about his new book, Pause Points, a guide to personal well-being. He will explain learning to slow down and examine life – as we’re living it. Dr. Harker will chat with Sound Medicine’s Steve Bogdewic, Ph.D., about practical ways to become more mindful.
War stories from a surgeon. Author Daly Walker, M.D., retired surgeon and Vietnam veteran, speaks with Sound Medicine’s Kathy Miller, M.D., about his book Surgeon Stories, a collection of fiction based on his tour as an Army surgeon.
Twittercue: #Soundmedicine covers latent TB, Vermont #singlepayer, hc lessons from the 90’s, #pausepoints book, and surgeon stories.
Sound Medicine is an award-winning radio program co-produced by the Indiana University School of Medicine and WFYI Public Radio (90.1FM). Sound Medicine is underwritten by Indiana University Health, Indiana University Health Physicians, and Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. Reports on Primary Health Care topics are sponsored by Wishard Health Services.
Listen to Sound Medicine on the following Indiana public radio stations: WBSB (Anderson), WFIU (Bloomington, Columbus, Kokomo, Terre Haute), WNDY (Crawfordsville), WVPE (Elkhart/South Bend), WNIN (Evansville), WBOI (Fort Wayne), WFCI (Franklin), WBSH (Hagerstown/New Castle), WFYI (Indianapolis), WBSW (Marion), WBST (Muncie), WBSJ (Portland), WLPR, (Lake County), and WBAA, (W. Lafayette).
The show also airs on these out-of state public radio stations:
KOTZ and KINU (Kotzebue, AK), KRCC (Colorado Springs, CO), KEDM (Monroe, LA), WCNY (Syracuse, NY), WYSO (Yellow Springs, OH), WYSU (Youngstown, OH), KWGS (Tulsa, OK), KPOV (Bend, OR), KMHA (Four Bears, ND), and KLMS (Carlsbad, NM).