<p>Thomas Dispenza, M.D., a third-year pediatric cardiology fellow at Indiana University School of Medicine and Riley Hospital for Children, is the recipient of the American Academy of Pediatrics 2010-11 Research Fellowship Award.</p>
Indianapolis Campus

Riley Hospital Cardiology Fellow Earns National Recognition for Research

Jul 22, 2010

The award provides $35,000 in funding for an individual in an accredited U.S. pediatric cardiology fellowship training program or cardiothoracic surgery residency program to conduct basic or clinical scientific research to promote the understanding of a basic mechanism of cardiovascular disease in the young.

Dr. Dispenza received the award for his project entitled “Cardiac Cell Cycle Stimulation to Shrink Ventricular Septal Defects,” which he is conducting in the laboratory of Loren Field, Ph.D. in the Riley Heart Research Center at the Wells Center for Pediatric Research. Dr. Field is a professor of medicine, pediatrics and cellular and integrative physiology at the IU School of Medicine.

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IU School of Medicine

Rory Appleton