<p>Time is running out to turn in applications for the 2010 Molecular Medicine in Action program at the Indiana University School of Medicine and Riley Hospital for Children.</p>
Indianapolis Campus

2010 Molecular Medicine in Action Applications Due Oct. 30

Oct 16, 2009

In its 11th year, the program offers 50 Indiana high-school students the opportunity on March 7-8 to work alongside some of the nation’s top researchers in the labs of the Herman B Wells Center for Pediatric Research on the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis campus.

Packets were mailed to Indiana high schools, and science teachers should nominate students for participation. There is an online application form at www.wellscenter.iupui.edu/MMIA with a deadline of Oct. 30. Applications will be reviewed by a panel of Indiana biology and chemistry teachers, and selections will be made and students notified by Dec. 11.

“Our goal is to share the excitement of what genetic science promises,” says Karen Pollok, Ph.D., assistant professor of pediatrics, pharmacology and toxicology, and program leader for MMIA.

Under the supervision of IU scientists, the students will rotate through workstations and labs, learning how DNA – the building blocks of life – is isolated and analyzed. This year, the interactive research modules have been expanded to focus on a variety of disease states-diabetes, cancer, cardiology, and pulmonary diseases. Selected students will get hands-on experience working with the latest technologies that are used to gain insight into and treat these various health problems. In addition, students will learn about the latest microscopic imaging techniques that enable researchers to study living cells and participate in an electronic classroom on bioethics.

The program is supported in part by the Herman B Wells Center for Pediatric Research, IU School of Medicine and Riley Children’s Foundation.

Application deadline is Friday, Oct. 30.

Media Contact

IU School of Medicine

Andrea Zeek