<p>This weekend, July 5 and 6, Sound Medicine, the award-winning weekly Public Radio program hosted by Barbara Lewis, will look at the benefits of walking, bone health in children, new developments in heart and organ repair and replacement, and disposal of old medication.</p>
Indianapolis Campus

This Week on Sound Medicine — July 6

Jul 03, 2008

With gas prices skyrocketing, transportation by foot is becoming more popular; however, the positive impacts of walking exceed just monetary benefits. Catrine Tudor-Locke, Ph.D., a researcher in the Department of Exercise and Wellness at Arizona State University, will discuss the health benefits of walking. She will emphasize the importance of building walking into daily activities and increasing steps-per-day as a way to curb weight gain and diabetes.

Bone fractures in children have tripled over the past decade, and the cause could be that children may not be getting enough calcium to strengthen their bones. Connie M. Weaver, Ph.D., director of the Purdue University Department of Foods and Nutrition, will speak with Sound Medicine’s Ora Pescovitz, M.D., about how the decrease in calcium consumption in children could be a predictor of more health problems later in life.

The recent creation of a beating rat heart in a laboratory has been hailed by experts as “a landmark achievement.” Dr. Doris Taylor, Ph.D., director of the Center for Cardiovascular Repair at the University of Minnesota, will explain how her team accomplished this “stunning” advance, which brings scientists a step closer to better technology and methodology in organ repair and replacement.

Patricia Darbishire, Pharm.D., R.Ph., a clinical assistant professor of pharmacy practice at Purdue University, will give Sound Medicine’s Steve Bogdewic, Ph.D., a lesson in disposing of old medications in a safe and environmentally sound manner.

Essayist Eric Metcalf, a science writer and regular contributor to Sound Medicine, will provide his test of his personal theory that he is immune to poison ivy, with interesting results. He will also discuss the future of the unpopular plant.

Archived editions of Sound Medicine as well as other helpful information can be found at http://www.soundmedicine.iu.edu.

Sound Medicine is underwritten by the Lilly Center for Medical Science, Clarian Health, and IU Medical Group; Jeremy Shere’s “Check-Up” is underwritten by IUPUI.

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IU School of Medicine

Andrea Zeek