Oncourse to Canvas Transition, Revised Plan
As you are likely aware, Indiana University has selected Canvas as the new Learning Management System (LMS) to replace Oncourse. In May of this year we announced a phased-in approach to transitioning IUSM courses from Oncourse to Canvas. The recent news about the timing change for the new curriculum has caused us to rethink our transition timeline. Since our current second year courses will continue to be offered until at least 2017, they will need to transition to Canvas as Oncourse will no longer be available after 2016. To that end, we are including the second year courses into our transition plan, with the goal of all courses transitioning in 2015-16.
To help with the transition, the Learning Technology team in Undergraduate Medical Education will begin scheduling webinars. In addition, we can come to your campus for in-person Canvas workshops. Contact Lorie Shuck (317-278-1506) if you are interested in a workshop on your campus.
IU also has provided many opportunities to learn Canvas. This link will show you all of the Canvas articles on the IU Knowledge Base, and this one will take you to other Canvas resources.
URLs on this page
- Next.IU Canvas page: http://next.iu.edu/canvas-platform/index.php
- Oncourse to Canvas Transition blog post from May: http://final.localhost/ume/2014/05/29/oncourse-to-canvas-transition
- Canvas Knowledge Base articles: https://kb.iu.edu/search?q=canvas&s=300
- Canvas resources list from May blog posting: http://final.localhost/ume/2014/05/29/oncourse-to-canvas-transition/#resources