If you are a Phase 1 Year 1 student who is remediating a course, we would like to remind you of the resources available to support you.
- We encourage you to meet with the course director/site leader to find out more about the remediation exam content and discuss areas where you struggled.
- The Competency Director for Medical Knowledge, Margaret Bauer, MD, PhD, can help you discuss resources and ways to maximize your exam performance.
- Once you have had a chance to talk to the course director/site leader and Dr. Bauer, your Lead Advisor and the Learning Specialist can assist you with creating a study plan for your remediation and Step 1.
- Jessica Fultz, Dana Lasek, PhD, and Samia Hasan, MD, are available to help with issues such as test anxiety. All of these services are confidential.
- Dr. Lasek provides clinical services for several of the regional campuses.
- The program coordinator is the initial point of contact for all of these resources and can be reached at 317-278-2383 or via email.
Remediation exams will be given on June 19. Students who need to remediate will receive an email this week from Abigail Klemsz, MD, PhD, with details about the exam time and location.