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The Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems Center provides rehabilitation care including emergency medical, acute medical, and post-acute services.

Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems Center

The Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems Center at Indiana University School of Medicine provides comprehensive care for patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and studies the causes, course of recovery and outcomes after traumatic brain injury.


The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research established the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems in 1987. This designation recognizes rehabilitation centers that provide the highest level of comprehensive and multidisciplinary care while building national capacity for high-quality treatment and research serving persons with traumatic brain injury, their families and their communities.

National TBI Database

Through the center, IU School of Medicine is one of 16 sites that contributes to a national database of traumatic brain injury, which enrolled its 17,000th participant in January 2019. Studies that use this research resource focus on traumatic brain injury, stroke, spinal cord injury, amputees and traumatic brain injury genetics.

What is TBI?

Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is damage to the brain that can result from violent impact to a person’s head. Learn more about TBI on the IU School of Medicine expertise hub.

Center Leadership

20302-Hammond, Flora

Flora Hammond, MD

Chair, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

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Find a Clinical Trial

Researchers are looking for individuals of all ages and health levels to participate in traumatic brain injury clinical trials.