A minimum of four years of graduate medical education is required to complete the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) Residency. This specialty training program begins at the PGY 2 level, following completion of a transitional year. In each of the three PM&R program years, residents complete both inpatient and outpatient rotations along with their choice of electives.
Year One (PGY 1)
The first year of training is dedicated to the development of fundamental clinical skills and is completed through a Transitional Year or Preliminary Medicine Internship. Residents interview and match for these positions separately.
The internship experience can include six months in family practice, internal medicine, pediatrics or general surgery. The remaining six months may be in primary care field or specialty, including neurology, neurosurgery, orthopaedic surgery/sports medicine, pediatrics, radiology or urology.
Year Two (PGY 2)
As part of the three-year program, PM&R residents are required to spend a minimum of one year—and no more than two years—caring for hospitalized patients to provide inpatient services, including general rehabilitation, stroke brain injury spinal cord injury and pediatrics.
Second-year residents complete foundational rotations in inpatient rehabilitation, emphasizing general rehabilitation, stroke, spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury. Consultations and an introduction to musculoskeletal medicine also occurs during residents’ PGY 2 year.
Year Three (PGY 3)
The rotation schedule for PGY 3 residents consists of three months of electrodiagnosis (electromyography), two to three months of inpatient/outpatient pediatric rehabilitation, one month of radiology, and one month of sports medicine training. Elective opportunities as well as training focused on prosthetics and orthotics is available. Residents can also gain exposure to amputee and chronic pain management techniques.
Year Four (PGY 4)
Fourth-year PM&R residents finalize their training with exposure to injection techniques, including significant hands-on patient experience. Inpatient rotations are reviewed to sharpen practice skills, and PGY 4 residents are allowed extensive review and preparation for medical Boards examinations.