<p>Five specialty programs at Riley Hospital for Children have been ranked among the top 30 children&#8217;s hospitals in the nation in U.S.News &amp; World Report&#8217;s 2008 edition of America&#8217;s Best Children&#8217;s Hospitals, published online at www.usnews.com/pediatrics and in the magazine&#8217;s June 9 issue, on newsstands today, Monday, June 2.</p>
Indianapolis Campus

Riley Hospital for Children ranked in U.S.News & World Report's 2008 edition of America's Best Children's Hospitals Riley Hospital only Indiana hospital in the rankings

Jun 02, 2008

In a further extension of the 2007 pediatric rankings that listed the top 30 pediatric centers overall, the 2008 America’s Best Children’s Hospitals now includes the 30-top ranked hospitals in cancer, digestive disorders, heart and heart surgery, neonatal care, neurology and neurosurgery, respiratory disorders and general pediatrics.


The Riley Hospital specialty programs recognized by U.S.News & World Report and their numerical rankings are:

  • Neonatal Care: 12th
  • Respiratory Disorders: 14th
  • Digestive Disorders: 16th
  • Cancer: 25th
  • Neurology & Neurosurgery: 26th


“We are pleased to be acknowledged for providing outstanding care to Indiana’s families and children,” said Ora Pescovitz, MD, chief executive officer, Riley Hospital for Children. “As the only hospital in the state to be listed among the top hospitals in the nation, we will continue to set the standard in pediatric care and work hard everyday to enhance the lives of our children, families and community.”


“Very sick kids need very special care,” said Senior Writer Avery Comarow, who has been editor of the America’s Best Hospitals and America’s Best Children’s Hospitals annual rankings since their inception. “The best places for them are pediatric facilities with a deep pool of expertise in their particular illness. Breaking out key specialties is crucial to help parents and other caregivers find these facilities.”


The specialty rankings of this year’s America’s Best Children’s Hospitals were based on a new and improved methodology that weighed a three-part blend of reputation, outcome, and care-related measures such as nursing care, advanced technology, credentialing, and other factors.




About Riley Hospital for Children As Indiana’s first and only comprehensive hospital dedicated exclusively to the care of children, Riley Hospital for Children, a part of Clarian Health, has provided compassionate care, support and comfort to children and their families for 80 years. Each year Riley serves over 160,000 inpatients and outpatients from across Indiana, the nation and the world. Riley Hospital’s partnership with Clarian Health and its strong affiliation with the Indiana University School of Medicine make it the only comprehensive clinical resource for Indiana’s children and the premiere source for health related information for their parents. From simple care associated with the health and wellness of children and less complex specialty care to the most critically-ill and medically complex cases, Riley Hospital for Children is the leader for pediatric care in the state and the region. In 2004, Clarian became Indiana’s first magnet hospital system. Clarian Health Partners, Inc. operates the Methodist Hospital, Indiana University Hospital and Riley Hospital campuses as a single hospital under Indiana law. Visit www.rileyhospital.org for more information.


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IU School of Medicine

Rory Appleton

Filed under: Indianapolis Campus