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Medical Student Volunteers

All IU School of Medicine medical students are welcome and encouraged to volunteer at the IU Student Outreach Clinic, regardless of class level and specialty interests. The clinic allows the opportunity for medical students to gain valuable, real-world experience working alongside volunteer faculty, while helping to close the health care gap for the underserved in the Indianapolis community as soon as they begin their medical training. In addition to patient-facing, clinical experience, there are opportunities for students to gain leadership experience through important managerial roles that are key in the overall structure and success of the clinic.

The responsibilities of the first- and- second-year medical student includes talking with patients; measuring and recording vital signs; presenting patients to third- and- fourth-year medical student volunteers; observing and assisting third- and- fourth-year medical student volunteers during the history and physical exam, as well as staffing with the attending physician; and ensuring patients have the necessary information and resources prior to proceeding to the Butler University Community Outreach Pharmacy for medication and additional education.