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The Student Research Fellowship program on the Fort Wayne campus provides research experiences for graduate and medical students.

Student Education and Research Fellowship (SERF) Program 

The SERF program is a structured to provide graduate and medical students with research skills and practical experience in conducting research independently. Research methods and data analysis strategies are emphasized. Students gain valuable experience assessing the validity of current clinical practice standards as well as determining the significance of their own findings.

Several IU School of Medicine students choose to participate in this program during the summer between their first and second years to gain scientific and clinical research experience. Opportunities are available to do research in various clinical specialties through this nine-week program. Scholarships are available for participants in the program.

Program Requirements

Graduate and medical student participants must be in good standing to participate in the program. All participants are required to successfully complete CITI training modules and student requirements of the research sites. Sponsors/preceptors are encouraged to participate in the recruitment of students and to provide students with guidance and work space. As part of the practical component of the program, students are expected to work independently on data collection, analysis and report preparation for research projects developed by the preceptors.

Apply to Participate

Applicants must complete and submit the program application by 5 pm on January 15, 2024.

For details about the Student Research Fellowship Program, call the IU School of Medicine-Fort Wayne office at 260-481-6730 or contact Gina Bailey at

Graduate and medical students will work independently on their research topics under the advisement and direction of preceptors and research staff. Additionally, SERF administrators will provide additional support for students.

Opportunities will be available for students to mentor undergraduate students through a six-week program designed for undergraduate students interested in research.

Review criteria for selection of student participants include strong academic records, personal achievement and integrity, research skills and experience, and/or recommendations from scholastic advisers.

  • First- and second-year medical students enrolled in an accredited program (DO or MD) are eligible to apply to this program. These students will be expected to work independently and should expect to spend approximately 40 hours per week committed to the research project.
  • Graduate students: Students who are enrolled in NP, PharmD, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy or PA programs and are in good academic standing are invited to apply to the program. These students may be expected to spend approximately 40 hours on their research projects.

Each student is expected to attend a series of meetings, held to provide research fellows with additional information on the preparation of abstracts, manuscripts and data analysis. The meetings serve as a forum to present preliminary data and to become acquainted with other students and mentors. In order to receive a completion certificate, students must prepare and submit a project abstract, poster and a research paper evaluated and approved by his/her preceptor.

Researchers in clinical or academic settings are welcome to participate as preceptors in this program. All researchers are expected to submit a study proposal form for their study to be considered for the program to SERF via email by Jan 12, 2024. Upon acceptance into the program, the preceptor will complete CITI training and seek approval for the proposal of the study by the Institutional Review Board by May 1.

To apply for the Student Education and Research Fellowship Program applicants must submit a 1/2 page letter of intent to IMPRS at by December 31, 2023 stating your research interest and desire to be at the Fort Wayne campus. Applicants must also submit the RedCAP application for IMPRS by January 15, 2024. One letter of recommendation is required.

For more details about the Student Research Fellowship Program, call the IU School of Medicine-Fort Wayne office at 260-257-6831. Students will be notified of acceptance into the program by mid-March.

Schedule of Student Meetings and Deadlines

Application available November 16, 2023
Application deadline January 15, 2024
Student notification of acceptance March 2024
Student notification of assigned project May 1, 2024
CITI training completion May 25, 2024
IMPRS orientation May 25, 2024
SERF orientation May 28, 2024
Preceptor meeting Week of May 27, 2024
IMPRS lecture See IMPRS Schedule
Didactic lecture - Introduction
Project check in
June 3, 2024
IMPRS lecture

See IMPRS Schedule

Scientific Writing Workshop June 10, 2024
IMPRS lecture See IMPRS Schedule
Midpoint meeting
Student presentations
June 19, 2024 at 3:00 PM
IMPRS lecture See IMPRS Schedule
Statistical Analysis Workshop June 24, 2024
IMPRS lecture See IMPRS Schedule
Didactic lecture - Presentations
Poster and Oral Presentation Guidelines and Tips
July 8, 2024
Revision meetings  July 9-10, 2024
Draft of abstract, poster and paper due for review/revisions July 12, 2024
Student presentation #2 July 10, 2024 3:00 pm
IMPRS lecture See IMPRS Schedule
IMPRS lecture See IMPRS Schedule
Final draft of abstracts and posters due for printing July 15, 2024 5:00 PM
Final SERF Reception and final project requirements due.
Copies of data collection forms, abstracts, papers and posters due to program, preceptors and institutions.
July 23, 2024
IMPRS poster presentations  TBD
IMPRS oral presentations TBD