Indiana University School of Medicine offers Masters degree programs in Anatomy, Cell Biology and Physiology with three different learning tracks that prepare students for successful careers in research or education, or entry into professional clinical programs of study such as medicine, occupational therapy or physical therapy. These are independent degrees and not required as a prerequisite for the Anatomy, Cell Biology and Physiology doctoral degrees.
Admission Requirements
Applicants to the IU School of Medicine Master’s degree program in Anatomy, Cell Biology and Physiology should have a bachelor’s degree in the sciences — with a minimum GPA of 3.0 — or a substantial knowledge base in these disciplines as well as scores from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) or Dental Admission Test (DAT). Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required of international applicants.
Applicants applying with MCAT or DAT scores must attach score reports to the application as a separate document or email to the Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology.
Clinical or Research MS: Official college transcripts should be sent directly from the institution(s) to IU School of Medicine, Attn: Kate McMillan, 635 Barnhill Dr., MS 5035 Indianapolis, IN 46202-5120. Transcripts can also be sent electronically to
Preprofessional MS: Official college transcripts should be sent directly from the institution(s) to IU School of Medicine, Attn: Michael Alexander, MD, 635 Barnhill Dr., MS 5035, Indianapolis, IN 46202-5120. Transcripts can also be sent electronically to
Applicants must submit a personal statement that describes their career interests and indicates which track (research, clinical anatomy or preprofessional) they are applying to pursue. The application also requires three letters of recommendation from professors or other academics who can assess the applicant’s educational preparation and suitability for graduate study. If applying for the Research Track, applicants must submit a letter from an identified mentor within the IU School of Medicine Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology.
The Anatomy, Cell Biology and Physiology Masters degree programs have a rolling admissions process. Each program has application periods and start-date options.
Begin MS Training

Research MS
Applications for the Research MS are accepted September 3 through July 1. Students may begin studies either in the fall or spring semester.

Education MS
Applications for the MS Clinical Anatomy Track are accepted September 3 through July 1. Students begin in the fall semester only.

Preprofessional MS
Applications for the Preprofessional MS are accepted year-round but should be submitted by July 1 for admission in the fall semester of the same year. Students may begin studies either in fall, spring or summer semester.
Graduation Requirements
All tracks of the Master’s program in Anatomy, Cell Biology and Physiology require a total of 30 credit hours for the degree, but the Research Track requires more time in research.
Students in the Research Track are expected to begin their investigational work during the first semester. Research Track students are expected to complete a larger research project related to their focus and enter a PhD program after earning their Master’s degree.