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Faculty Research

Far from the arcane view of anatomy and physiology laboratories depicted in popular films from years past, contemporary anatomy and physiology research laboratories incorporate cutting-edge cell and molecular biology approaches—integrated with the structure-function relationships of molecules, cells, tissues and organs—to solve complex disease problems.

Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology laboratories routinely incorporate such diverse and advanced techniques as CRIPSR/Cas9-based editing, super-resolution multiphoton optical imaging, massively parallel single-cell sequencing, high-throughput proteomics and metabolomics, lab-on-a-chip tissue engineering, 3D bioprinting, complex genetic animal models, noninvasive CT/PET/MR imaging, and many others.

Faculty in the Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology are at the leading edge of discovery in the fields of neuroscience, musculoskeletal biology and integrative physiology, because they are able to investigate disease process in a structural framework that incorporates technical advances from a number of subdisciplines.

Focus Areas

Faculty research in the department focuses on three areas.



Faculty specializing in neuroscience have active research programs in Alzheimer’s, ALS, traumatic brain injury, neuroinflammation, neurodegeneration, anxiety and dementia.

Musculoskeletal Biology

Musculoskeletal Biology 

The musculoskeletal biology group focuses on skeletal and muscle dysplasias, osteoarthritis, anabolic/catabolic mechanisms in bone and muscle, cellular energy kinetics and exercise, and aging.

Integrative Physiology

Integrative Physiology

Integrative physiology research covers a diverse range of organ systems, including kidney function, vascular disease and diabetes.