The Medical Women’s International Association (MWIA) conducted a survey earlier this year in which 46% of responders reported sexual harassment while working. This subject has become particularly of interest because of recent accusations of harassment in the workplace with many women coming forward and reporting being sexually harassed .
MWIA is therefore conducting currently an online sexual harassment survey. The survey has been planned as part of the MWIA Scientific Committees work for this triennium under the lead of Prof. Jan Coles from Australia, Co-chair of this committee. All data is completely anonymous and cannot be traced to any particular person. Deadline will be at the end of December 2017.
We want to show with this survey that it is prevalent among doctors, and medical students. Results of the survey may be published in the future and the final report may be sent to organizations interested in the subjects raised.
MWIA would appreciate if you could fill out our sexual harassment survey on
More information can be found here: