Phase 2 medical students:
This fall, the Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Network is rolling out a new two-year program called AHEC Scholars: A Community Fellowship Program. The program is targeted at current health profession students, to help them gain additional soft skills that they would need in the work place. The fellowship will focus on five core issues – behavioral health integration, cultural competency, interprofessional education, practice transformation and social determinants of health. The content of these issues is designed to go above and beyond what students would learn in the classroom through their normal curricula.
Over the course of both years, students will participate in approximately 35-40 hours of self-paced online learning (very brief modules) and 40 hours of experiential community experiences. The 40 hours of community experiences will not happen in one week. Instead, the hours will be spread out throughout the year and based upon student availability (to avoid conflicts with exams and prior engagements).
This is a great program to include on residency applications!
- Stipend: This program pays a stipend of $1500 ($750/per year). This is not a scholarship. Students can use the money however they like and it will not impact financial aid.
- Start date: September 10, 2018
- End date: April 2020
- Location: The AHEC Network is split into eight cohorts, encompassing all 92 counties in Indiana. Each cohort can only accept 15 students, so apply early to ensure your spot!