The Office of Diversity Inclusion and Community Partnership at Harvard Medical School, in collaboration with Harvard Medical School affiliated teaching hospitals, is hosting the fifth annual Harvard Affiliated Residency Programs Showcase on Saturday, September 8, 2018 from 2-6 pm at the Walter Amphitheater & Atrium, Tosteson Medical Education Center (TMEC), Harvard Medical School, 260 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115.
This event will provide particularly underrepresented medical students (URiM) in their third or fourth year in the New England region as well as from other states with an opportunity to meet and network with Harvard-affiliated residency program training directors, attending physicians, fellows and residents. Participating students will learn more about the residency programs that are offered at Harvard Medical School-affiliated teaching hospitals through this interactive and informal setting.
Parking is available for students who are driving to the showcase. A limited number of reduced-rate hotel rooms are also available.
All questions can be directed to Fahri Ercem at or 617-432-4422