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<p>Congratulations to Julie Welch, MD and her Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (ICTSI) colleagues on their recent grant award, which they will use to create a career development platform aimed at helping scholars plan for their future careers while receiving feedback from mentors and tracking personal career growth. Julie shared, As Director of Mentoring [&hellip;]</p>

Julie Welch, MD, awarded grant for new career development tool, “Testing the Effectiveness of the Customized Career Development Platform (CCDP): A Clustered Randomized Trial.”

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Congratulations to Julie Welch, MD and her Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (ICTSI) colleagues on their recent grant award, which they will use to create a career development platform aimed at helping scholars plan for their future careers while receiving feedback from mentors and tracking personal career growth. Julie shared,

As Director of Mentoring Training for the ICTSI part of my work involves collaborating with other CTSI’s across the country to study mentoring and career development interventions. In 2018, I joined a team of colleagues from University of Pittsburgh, University of Southern California, and University of Pennsylvania on a National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) funded project to develop an online tool, similar to an Individual Development Plan. We accomplished this goal and created the online “Customized Career Development Platform (CCDP)”. This tool assists scholars with career planning, communicating with their mentoring team, and tracking milestones and outcomes. To carry out the next phase of implementing and studying this tool, our team was awarded an R21 grant from the NIH/NCATS in January 2020 (PIs: Rubio and Patino-Sutton). Our 2-year project will partner with 20 institutions and is titled “Testing the Effectiveness of the Customized Career Development Platform (CCDP): A Clustered Randomized Trial.”

Julie Welch, MD is Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine and Director of Mentoring Training for the Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (ICTSI. She was a founding member of the IUPUI Mentoring Academy and serves as the faculty mentoring liaison for Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM). As former Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development, she continues to champion issues surrounding mentoring, work-life policies, and women in medicine and science.