In 2018 the Chisholm-Rodgers Legacy Fund in Emergency Medicine was established to honor the contributions of Kevin Rodgers and Carey Chisholm in service to emergency medicine education. As part of that fund, the Chisholm-Rodgers Clinical Teaching Award in Emergency Medicine recognizes outstanding faculty who excel in bedside clinical education, a passion of Carey and Kevin’s. We are excited to announce that this year’s winner is Dr. Bart Besinger.
Bart is a full-time clinical faculty member at Methodist Hospital where he has served since 2001. He has a passion for emergency medicine that has been described as “contagious”. Residents who work with him praise his ability to allow resident autonomy while challenging them on aspects of their plan. He expertly balances his extensive knowledge of evidence based medicine with other aspects of the art of medicine. One learner noted that he is one of the most versatile faculty at providing appropriate teaching for the learner’s level of training, from day one of intern year all the way through graduation. As one resident put it, “To hear Dr. Besinger present on a topic is one of the best learning experiences a resident can have. He is simply an incredible educator.”
Congratulations, Bart, and thank you for everything you do to further emergency medicine resident education!
Bart Besinger Awarded the Chisholm-Rodgers Clinical Teaching Award in Emergency Medicine
Jul 29, 2020