Written by Melissa Kacena, PhD
We recently learned that the SpaceX-18 is being delayed 10 days, so our new target date is July 18, 2019.
As you might imagine, there are a lot of changing schedules for everyone involved. We will need to modify our travel plans (we were originally leaving Indianapolis on June 26 and will now leave July 5), revise shipping strategies and develop overall timelines.
Being in Florida and working during the week of the Fourth of July was going to be a bit tricky as it was. But now that we will be arriving immediately after the federal holiday, getting started becomes more complicated.
Even though our team won’t begin work in the labs until Saturday, July 6, we will however need to finalize the badging process and orientation training before we can get started. That gives us just Friday, July 5, to complete all of this.
Our crew might just have to end their Independence Day celebrations early in order to catch an early morning flight to Orlando and then head straight to KSC to get started.