Students support services on the Muncie campus include academic advising, disability accommodations, healthcare, safety and security.

Campus Student Services

Students at the Muncie campus can access a wide range of support services from IU School of Medicine as well as those available through Ball State University. All centralized student services for IU School of Medicine operate from the Indianapolis campus, including  financial services and student learning environment, mistreatment reporting and conflict resolution support. Localized services are also available, including counseling, campus safety and more.

Emergency Contacts

Public safety emergency:

Facility-related emergencies:

Safewalk escort:
765-760-7433 or 765-285-5005

Student Support Services in Muncie

As part of the statewide IU School of Medicine academic advising program, each medical student is assigned a lead advisor, a highly-trained professional who guides students through their entire time in medical school.

IU School of Medicine is committed to helping students with disabilities succeed. All IU School of Medicine students in need of disability accommodations should apply through IU Indianapolis Adaptive Educational Services.

Request accommodations

Medical students at the Muncie campus can access preventative health services and acute care through the Amelia T. Wood Health Center. Students with children can access urgent pediatric care at clinics such as Meridian Prime-Time Pediatrics. Additionally, students can receive urgent medical care at several locations.

The Department of Mental Health Services provides mental health and personal counseling services to all IU School of Medicine students, residents, and fellows on every IU School of Medicine campus. Find details about mental health services in Muncie.

For security and safety issues, please contact IU Health Ball Memorial security at 765-747-3360 or call Ball State University Public Safety emergency/ police at 765-285-1111. To report a public safety emergency, call 765-285-1111. BSU currently does not offer a Safewalk service but does offer a Charlie Charter Escort service that give rides between campus locations. For a ride, call 765-760-RIDE (7433) or 765-285-5005.

In case of needle stick
Go to Ball Hospital Employee Health Office located on 7 West or call 765-747-3458. Open 7:30-4:00, M-F. When health office is closed, call paging operator at 765-747-3298. Ask for resident on call.