imaging of dentin slices shows many small repeating green strands

Indiana Center for Biological Microscopy

Excellence in imaging, research and service

Founded in 1996, the Indiana Center for Biological Microscopy (ICBM) has grown into a vital research core facility supporting more than 100 laboratories in Indiana. Generous support from Indiana University, IU School of Medicine, the Division of Nephrology, the NIH and the Lilly Endowment have provided the center with the microscopy resources necessary to a modern approach to biomedical research. Serving as a core for several NIH Centers, the ICBM has parleyed these resources into uniquely empowering research tools. Staff provide expert support in all aspects of microscopy and image analysis, train investigators to conduct sophisticated imaging studies independently, and conduct complete studies.

News and Events

COVID-19 operation and safety​

In the Spring of 2020, the ICBM instituted a set of practices and policies designed to minimize the threat of COVID exposure to center users. Original policies included restrictions in hours, number of people allowed in microscope rooms and chaperoned facility access. Policies have been relaxed somewhat, but we continue to monitor all facility access, fastidiously decontaminate all contact surfaces between users and restrict microscope rooms to no more than three investigators at a time.

ICBM news

August 2024
The Alpenglow 3Di Light-sheet microscope is scheduled for installation at the end of this month.

May 2024
The ICBM has received funding via the NIH-S10 grant to purchase an Alpenglow 3Di Open-Top Light-sheet microscope. It is likely to be installed in the fall.

April 2024
We're thrilled to announce the well-deserved retirement of Kenneth Dunn, PhD, after an illustrious 30-year tenure leading the ICBM Center at IU. Congratulations, Dr. Dunn!

Upcoming events and seminars

Series of seminars on tissue preparation for light sheet microscope

CCEH Microscopy Mondays
Series of seminars organized by the NIDDK-U24 sponsored Cooperative Centers of Excellence in Hematology. Seminars happen second Monday of a month at 11am EST.

National O'Brien Centers Kidney Seminars (NOCKS)
Monthly zoom-based seminars presented by one of the O'Brien Kidney Centers.

Funding opportunities

CTSI Core Pilot Grant Program

Investigators are awarded up to $10,000 worth of CTSI-designated core services. Request for applications is issued each spring and fall and can be found on our Indiana CTSI Grant Opportunities page.