The IU School of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine conducts translational research in the Alves Lab. This facility investigates new ways to improve health care by translating bench research to the bedside of patients.

Alves Lab
Led by Nathan Alves, PhD, this interdisciplinary laboratory focuses on the development of translational technologies, treatments, and techniques for clinical implementation leveraging engineering principles and designs. Located in the VanNuys Medical Sciences Building on the IU School of Medicine–Indianapolis campus, the Alves Lab is 850 square feet of laboratory space split across two rooms. Each room represents a diverse and state-of-the-art translational research center equipped with biochemistry/protein production and purification; hemostasis and coagulation; cellular metabolism and biomarker; and chemical synthesis equipment. Investigators work with several different organisms—ranging from an e-coli expression vectors used to make a mutant plasmin for dissolving blood clots to mice and humans with various coagulopathies. The main therapeutic goal is to develop clot dissolving drug delivery strategies that do not increase bleeding risk and that protect patients from cardiac damage. The lab is centrally located near the downtown Indianapolis hospitals and connects via a corridor to IU Health University Hospital and Riley Children’s Hospital, where investigators collect samples from patients for analysis by laboratory staff for various biomarker and coagulation studies.