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David Aronoff, MD, the Chair of the Indiana University School of Medicine Department of Medicine, hosted a dinner on Nov. 11 along with the Office of Gift Development to celebrate the seven philanthropic fellowships in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine and foster a culture of philanthropy.

Dinner celebrates philanthropic fellowships in Cardiovascular Medicine

David Aronoff, MD, stands with a group of fellows

David Aronoff, MD, the Chair of the Department of Medicine, hosted a dinner with the Office of Gift Development to celebrate the seven philanthropic fellowships in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine.

David Aronoff, MD, the Chair of the Indiana University School of Medicine Department of Medicine, hosted a dinner on Nov. 11 along with the Office of Gift Development to celebrate the seven philanthropic fellowships in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine and foster a culture of philanthropy.

These named, philanthropic fellowships celebrate the exceptional achievements of the fellows while honoring the generosity of the donors who make them possible.

The named fellowships for this academic year were awarded to:

Saad Ali, DO – Phillips Fellow

Jeff Chapa, MD – Williams Fellow

Patrick Fitzgerald, MD – Breall Fellow

Mark Kauth, MD – Nasser Fellow

Lauren Kurkowski, MD – Bailey Fellow

Cody McCoy, MD – Grube Fellow

Jacob Sama, MD – O’Donnell Fellow

The dinner on Nov. 11 featured the presentation of personalized certificates and engraved pins to each recipient. It was a meaningful gathering that underscored the power of philanthropy and the shared commitment to advancing medical education and training.

“As a fellow, I have really enjoyed and appreciated the time spent teaching residents and medical students during the clinical rotation and assisting with small group discussions during some of their core classes. This passion for mentorship has been critical in my growth as a professional," said Jacob Sama, MD, the O’Donnell Fellow.

The Department of Medicine aims to cultivate enduring relationships that will support the next generation of medical professionals. Moments like these highlight the transformative power of philanthropy and its lasting impact on medical education.