Dr. John Eble has been selected to receive the 2023 President’s Award from the Arthur Purdy Stout Society
Arthur Purdy Stout Society purpose is:
To support the profession of surgical pathology and surgical pathologists by education and research;
To cooperate with local and national organizations engaged in the field of surgical pathology and other medical specialties;
To foster the study of surgical pathology and to encourage the personal and professional development of surgical pathologists and students aspiring to become surgical pathologists;
To encourage the highest standards in the practice and teaching of surgical pathology and to promote good fellowship among surgical pathologists through public discussion groups, forums, panels, lectures or other similar programs;
To publish material related to surgical pathology.
Photo from Dr. Eble receiving the reward at the 2023 USCAP annual meeting hosted in New Orleans.
Dr. Eble receiving the reward at the
2023 USCAP annual meeting
hosted in New Orleans.