What is your position at the Ruth Lilly Medical Library?
Circulation Desk Assistant. I assist patrons with the utilization of library resources.
How long have you been working at the library?
About 1.5 years now, I started as a student in the IUSM Master’s in Medical Science program, and the library became my second home due to my constant utilization of its resources, and so I decided to become a part of its staff.
What do you like most about your job or the library?
I love being able to help people find the resources they need, as it helps me learn where to find them just in case, I also need them in the future. My job also lets me interact with many people from various walks of life, this has helped me to develop my communication skills over the past year. The staff I work with are also a bunch of amazing people, so coming to work is never a hassle.
What is your favorite food/ favorite place to eat?
My favorite place to eat would have to be Texas Roadhouse, main attraction for me are the rolls, they tempt me to always go back. My favorite food is Jollof rice, it is a cuisine most Africans are familiar with, but of course, it must be made right.
Where is your favorite place to travel?
I would say Nigeria, I love the people, their energy, their vibes, and their willingness to work hard for a better life. Nigeria is my country, so I like to travel home to remind myself of who I am, and why I chose a path in Healthcare.
If you could witness any historical event, what would it be and why?
I would have loved to witness the 1963 March on Washington. This was a historical moment that showed people that they could march for their freedom, that they could march for change, and they could influence whatever they felt was not right around them. I am very passionate about freedom for all as humans, but in many countries in Africa, many of the citizens are deprived of the freedom they deserve. Be it freedom of speech, or freedom to protest any form of injustice. My goal as an individual is to change this narrative and therefore the 1963 March holds a dear place in my heart.
What is one item on your bucket list?
Writing a Book
If you were to write a book about yourself, what would the title be?
Victor Olafusi: A Meeting with Life