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<p><span>Julia Stumpff is the </span><span>Instructional Design Librarian at the Ruth Lilly Medical Library. She has been with the library since October 2018. </span></p>

Employee Spotlight - Julia Stumpff

Julia Stumpff, MSLIS

What is your position at the Ruth Lilly Medical Library?
Instructional Design Librarian

How long have you been working at the library?
Almost 3 years: since October 15, 2018. 

What do you like most about your job or the library?
I love that I am constantly challenged and learning.  A close second as far as what I like most are my friendly, supportive, and smart colleagues.

What is your favorite food/ favorite place to eat?
My favorite food is homemade chocolate chip cookies.  My favorite places to eat, in general, are non-chain restaurants that feature food from another country.

Where is your favorite place to travel?
Almost anywhere outside of the USA

If you could witness any historical event, what would it be and why?
A parade in St. Louis celebrating the end of World War II.  My teenage mom apparently marched in one, and it was so scandalous in her family that she still won't discuss it.  I would love to witness that episode in her life.

What is one item on your bucket list?
Travel on the African continent.

If you were to write a book about yourself, what would the title be?
If only everyone had my sense of humor!

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