2018 History of Medicine Talks
Co-sponsored by the John Shaw Billings History of Medicine Society, the IUSM History of Medicine
Student Interest Group and the Ruth Lilly Medical Library
“The Neuro-psychology of Art Collecting: What the Eli Lilly/C.T. Loo Story Tells Us”
Shirley M. Mueller, MD.
IUSM Associate Professor of Neurology (ret.)
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
12:00—1:00 PM
Emerson Hall, Rm 304
This presentation examines the scientific basis of the decision-making process of an important American collector, Eli Lilly Jr., CEO of the Lilly Company in Indianapolis 1932-1948. This is possible because of well-documented letters between Lilly and his initial dealer, C.T. Loo. By applying newly discovered neuro and behavioral science concepts to the discussions between the two, we see their decisions in a new light, one that can be applied to our own lives as well.
Upcoming talks:
October 17 William Schneider, PhD. 12:00-1:00pm “History of the Medical School, Part 1: Why the Medical School Isn’t in Bloomington” Van Nuys Medical Science Building, Rm B26