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<p>Here at the Ruth Lilly Medical Library, we are excited to welcome our new Assistant Director for Medical Education and Access Services, Laura Menard! Laura will work closely with Amy Blevins, Associate Director for Public Services, on the IU School of Medicine curriculum with an emphasis on evidence-based medicine and lifelong learning. Laura will also oversee the [&hellip;]</p>

Laura Menard, Joins IU School Of Medicine at the Ruth Lilly Medical Library

L. Menard Headshot

Here at the Ruth Lilly Medical Library, we are excited to welcome our new Assistant Director for Medical Education and Access Services, Laura Menard! Laura will work closely with Amy Blevins, Associate Director for Public Services, on the IU School of Medicine curriculum with an emphasis on evidence-based medicine and lifelong learning. Laura will also oversee the virtual service point for all nine IU School of Medicine campuses as well as the physical service point here in Indianapolis.

Laura has an MLS from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and joins the Ruth Lilly Medical Library from Butler University where she was responsible for information and data literacy instruction, collection management, faculty development, and training initiatives.

What will your responsibilities at the Ruth Lilly Medical Library entail?

In a nutshell, ​I’ll be working on integrating information literacy concepts into the IU School of Medicine curriculum from day one through residency with an emphasis on evidence-based medicine and lifelong learning.  I’ll also be the liaison to the Gary, Indiana campus.

What motivated you to become a medical librarian?

I had always planned on going into the science side of librarianship, but working at the EPA with some of the health sciences-focused researchers was what really got me interested in this career path.

Why did you choose to become part of the Faculty here at the IU School of Medicine, Ruth Lilly Medical Library?

Working at Butler, I was able to come to the Ruth Lilly Medical Library for quite a bit of professional development and was always impressed with the sense of vision and collegiality here. When this position opened up, I had to apply!

What are your goals for this position? 

In this position, I’d like to focus on forming strong relationships with my library colleagues and School of Medicine faculty in order to deliver the best and most relevant instruction possible. Scaffolding instruction on topics such as efficient search strategies, available resources, EBM (Evidence Based Medicine), and critical appraisal throughout the curriculum will help students gain a deeper understanding of the information that guides their clinical decisions, which will in turn help them learn and grow as professionals.

Outside of work, what are your hobbies and interests? 

Outside of work I enjoy outdoor activities (when the weather permits). As a non-Indiana native, it’s fun for me to explore the city on foot or by bike. I’m also a cat lover, and participate in the community cat program in my neighborhood. ​

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Angela DeCamp

Angela is involved with communications, marketing, and administrative support for the Ruth Lilly Medical Library.
The views expressed in this content represent the perspective and opinions of the author and may or may not represent the position of Indiana University School of Medicine.