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<p>Our colleagues at the IU Advanced Visualization Lab are presenting a weekly series on a variety of topics related to scientific visualization. Participants will learn about modern tools for analyzing simulated and observed scientific data. The data ranges from 3D volumentric scan data, vector fields, molecular simulations and point clouds. Methods for visualizing both static [&hellip;]</p>

AVL – Scientific Visualization Workshop Series – Fall 2018

Nasa Hyperwall

PRO U.S. Department of State NASA’s Hyperwall is on Display at the U.S. Center at COP-20 in Lima, Peru

Our colleagues at the IU Advanced Visualization Lab are presenting a weekly series on a variety of topics related to scientific visualization. Participants will learn about modern tools for analyzing simulated and observed scientific data. The data ranges from 3D volumentric scan data, vector fields, molecular simulations and point clouds.

Methods for visualizing both static and time-varying data will be explored, along with different interface technologies as they are applied to visualization such as virtual and augmented reality, and 3D digitization and printing.

Wednesdays, 4:00pm-5:15pm at the Visualization Lab, Luddy Hall 4012 , IU Bloomington
The Zoom URL is:
Ruth Lilly Medical Library will be hosting viewing sessions in the History of Medicine room (3rd floor Medical Library, Indianapolis), through October 10th, 2018.  The series runs through December 2018 – and videos are available for some of the lectures (see link below).

9/19/18 Bill Sherman Virtual Reality for Visualization
9/26/18 Chauncey Frend Augmented Reality for Visualization
10/03/18 Justin Peters Visualizing lidar datasets using QGIS on RED
10/10/18 Andreas Bueckle Augmented Reality & IoT Visualizations

Sessions are scheduled to go through the first week in December, but the schedule after
October 10th has not been finalized, topics include:

Volume Rendering Visualizations
InfoVis with Vega & D3.js
Advanced Media & Ultra-Res Displays for Research
VTK using VTK.js
Data Visualization Literacy and Make-A-Vis UI
Molecular Visualization with VMD
Brain Diffusion Imaging with DIPY 

Questions to: Bill Sherman at

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Kellie Kaneshiro

The views expressed in this content represent the perspective and opinions of the author and may or may not represent the position of Indiana University School of Medicine.