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<p>Indiana University has selected Canvas by Instructure as the successor to Oncourse. What this means for the IU School of Medicine is described in this article. Here you will learn the implementation plan and find resources to help you get started using Canvas. Implementation Plan All four years of medical school will continue to use [&hellip;]</p>

Oncourse to Canvas Transition

Indiana University has selected Canvas by Instructure as the successor to Oncourse. What this means for the IU School of Medicine is described in this article. Here you will learn the implementation plan and find resources to help you get started using Canvas.

Implementation Plan

All four years of medical school will continue to use Oncourse for the 2014-2015 academic year. Canvas will be used for the 2015-2016 Clerkships. In the Fall of 2015, first year courses will use Canvas while second year courses will remain in Oncourse. By the Fall of 2016, all medical education courses will be in Canvas.

Individuals can begin using Canvas now for courses or other activities. See the Canvas Resources section below to get started. If you want to begin using Canvas now, here are some points to consider:

  • If you’d like to use Canvas for a first or second year course, or for an elective, you must contact Lorie Shuck, at or (317) 278-1506. Include the course name, number, and start date. This helps us organize the courses under the IUSM group and will allow student rosters to be maintained with data from MSAS.
  • To request a Canvas site for an activity (e.g., project), you can still contact Lorie, or you can create a site on your own. To create your own site you must have previously been added to a Canvas site in the ‘teacher’ role. If you are not already in a site as a ‘teacher,’ contact Lorie for assistance.
  • If you plan to use Canvas for a course, add a link to your Canvas site to your Home page of your Oncourse site. It is also recommended that you remove all other Oncourse tools so there will be no confusion as to where to go.
  • Student rosters and the Faculty of Record will be loaded based on Registrar information. All other people will need to be manually added to the Canvas site. Canvas allows you to enter an IU email address to add people, but it is recommended that you use IU user IDs instead.

Canvas Resources

There are numerous resources that can help you learn to use Canvas. Below are some that you might find to be the most useful.

Canvas Login Page
Log in with your IU username and passphrase

Site dedicated to disseminating news and information about current and upcoming technology projects

Canvas Instructor Quickstart Guide

Canvas Student Quickstart Guide

Canvas Video Guide

“Up and Running with Canvas” Video Tutorial (IU login required)

At IU, what is Canvas, and how can I get help with it?
From the UITS Knowledge Base

In Canvas, what capabilities are available?
Canvas offers many features not currently available in Oncourse like audio and video, student analytics, and mobility.

Where is it in Canvas?
A list of Canvas tools and features that map to their counterparts in Oncourse.


Canvas workshops

Below is a current list of events with Canvas workshops.

Canvas: An Overview
Canvas is the new learning management system at IU. In this webinar, you will get an introduction to Canvas, a basic overview of some of the main tools faculty will use, and suggestions for how best to take advantage of them.  This webinar is meant to be an introduction to Canvas and an opportunity to answer some of your early questions about the new system. Come see what Canvas can do to make your teaching life easier.  Future webinars that will demonstrate more in-depth tool usage will come later this summer.
This webinar will be conducted in Adobe Connect.

IUPUI Center for Teaching and Learning Events Listing 


Contact Lorie with questions about Canvas or to schedule a meeting to learn how to use Canvas for your course or activity.

Lorie Shuck
(317) 278-1506