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<p>The following is a copy of an email that was distributed on April 28. Memorandum Date:   April 28, 2014 To:       All Curriculum Council Committees From:   Tony Ribera, PhD, Director of Program Evaluation for UME Sara Jo Grethlein, MD, Associate Dean for UME Re:       New System for Student Evaluations</p>

New System for Student Evaluations

The following is a copy of an email that was distributed on April 28.


Date:   April 28, 2014

To:       All Curriculum Council Committees

From:   Tony Ribera, PhD, Director of Program Evaluation for UME

Sara Jo Grethlein, MD, Associate Dean for UME

Re:       New System for Student Evaluations

After much testing as well as discussion internally and externally with medical education evaluators, we have decided to transition all IUSM student evaluations for the foundational sciences, clerkships, and electives for the upcoming 2014-2015 academic year into E*Value. E*Value is a cloud-based system with many capabilities, such as curricular mapping, evaluations, scheduling, and more. Like any system, there are limitations; however, the decision came down to three factors: (a) student experience; (b) data safety; and (c) meaningful reporting.

Student Experience. With students already using E*Value for scheduling clerkship rotations and curricular requirements (e.g., logging clinical encounters), they will now be able to use the same system to complete evaluations.

Continuity of Data Management. While our homegrown system served us very well for years, few people were knowledgeable enough to manage it. E*Value has the infrastructure in place to ensure that regardless of any staff turnover that may occur at our institution, the student evaluation process will be able to run seamlessly.

Reporting Features. E*Value allows educators to look at reports by specific time frames and activity/people groups could allow for more meaningful comparisons than our previous reports provided. We are exploring these reporting options to ensure we achieve one of our primary objectives of providing faculty and preceptors with actionable information they can use to improve their teaching and better promote student learning.

While we will no longer use our homegrown system to administer student evaluations, faculty and preceptors will still be able to access old reports using the Faculty Education System ( More information on available training modules and how to access reports in E*Value will be forthcoming. Should you have any questions about the system or the transition, please do not hesitate to contact Tony Ribera, PhD, Director of Program Evaluation for UME, at 317.278.9629 or


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Tony Ribera

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