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<p>An email was distributed earlier this month from the CCSC requesting input and comment from faculty and medical students concerning a proposed change to the IUSM grading system. This proposal arose from an ad hoc Grade Scale Subcommittee (GSS) that identified and reviewed relevant literature on the effects of various grading systems in both preclinical [&hellip;]</p>

Grade Scale Proposal starting Academic Year 2015-2016

An email was distributed earlier this month from the CCSC requesting input and comment from faculty and medical students concerning a proposed change to the IUSM grading system. This proposal arose from an ad hoc Grade Scale Subcommittee (GSS) that identified and reviewed relevant literature on the effects of various grading systems in both preclinical and clinical years of the curriculum. The window of opportunity for receipt of your comments is quickly closing (Friday, June 27th). I hope you have taken or will take the opportunity to register your thoughts on this important matter. We need to hear from you!

The instructions below provide you a step-by-step guide for accessing resources and submitting comments in Oncourse. Once in the Feedback and Resources page you will find the proposal, articles the GSS reviewed, and their report. A link is provided for submitting your comments. Please take the time to enter your views.

To provide your feedback on the proposal, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Join the Grade Scale Feedback site on Oncourse

  1. Log in to Oncourse.
  2. From the My Workspace tab, click the Membership tool in the left navigation menu.
  3. Click the Joinable Sites button


  1. In the search box, type “grade scale” (without double quotes) and then click the Search button.


  1. Click the Join link under the Grade Scale Feedback site name.





Step 2: Enter the Grade Scale Feedback Oncourse site

  1. Click the More Sites tab on Oncourse.


  1. Type “grade scale” (without double quotes) in the search box. The Grade Scale Feedback site should appear. Click on it to enter the site.





Step 3: Provide your feedback

  1. Once you’ve entered the Grade Scale Feedback Oncourse site, read the information on the Feedback & Resources page.


  1. There are documents on that page that you can click to open and read.
  2. Submit feedback by clicking the Give Your Feedback link. This will open a survey for you to submit your feedback.



Default Author Avatar IUSM Logo

Mark Seifert

Bio coming soon.
The views expressed in this content represent the perspective and opinions of the author and may or may not represent the position of Indiana University School of Medicine.